Take the opportunity and join our live webinar with Alteryx-ACE Alexander Groß.
Have you ever wondered what tricks power users have up their sleeves? On September 7, you'll have a chance to find out. Alteryx ACE Alexander Groß will show you tips that you can integrate into your daily work with Alteryx to educate yourself.
The spectrum of tips and advice is broad, ranging from very simple tricks on topics like data import to some advanced recommendations on how to avoid or work around common challenges in Alteryx.
The webinar is free for you and will be conducted remotely. The webinar language is English.
Register here for the Webinar.

Every second Thursday is Topic Thursday: our colleague Alexander Gross, Business Intelligence Consultant & Alteryx Lead at M2, shares his expert knowledge on workflow building in Alteryx. With his tricks and tips, you can use Alteryx even more efficiently.
Do you have any questions about this article or about Alteryx in general? Then please feel free to contact us at any time. We look forward to exchanging ideas with you.
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